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Portland native Jessica Weiss is a woman of contemplation with extreme notions to the laws of unseen energy and science.  There is a Truth we all Know, and should believe greatly in.  Jessica considers adventuring outside, progressive conversation, friendly competition, cooking, eating, and meditating as valuable ways of utilizing time.  Particular pastimes include playing cards, snowboarding, a sunny evening barbequing with friends, photography, and above all, writing.


There is a unique character in every possibility, every quest for establishing reason.  With her own perspective of idealism, Jessica prefers at this point to disassociate with politics, as the powers behind them are too great and dangerous for words to fix.  She hopes to inspire your thoughts into invested actions, music, paint, or any creative form, to construct a future for good.

Sci-fi poetry book and e-book Memories from Another Universe will debut in 2013.



You may use the links below
Find pieces of her thought

Up and beyond


Through this realm of invisible waves of energy

Suspended on a screen for your viewing pleasure

The Bs below are her blogs

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